Hi. :)
I'm currently reading this book called The Myth of Muslim Barbarism and its Aims written by S.E. Al-Djazairi. Haven't finished it yet...in the 3rd chapter. But its been quite interesting so far. And Al-Djazairi definitely has some flair for writing. I'll quote some of my favourite ones below:
"This hostility (Orientalists' and Western academias' blatant lies about Islam) to Islam has shaped negatively all forms of writing relating to it, at all ages and to our day.[1] Thus suppressed from general knowledge are the law-abiding nature of Muslims, their business enterprise, their neat interiors, their avoidance of alcohol, their sense of community, the central role of the family, their care for others, the tolerance of Muslim societies that have protected Christian ans Jewish minorities in their midst for over ten centuries." (page 26)
> I thought, wow. I've never realized that all this time just by being a Muslim, that I actually enjoyed what most Westerners and non-Muslims don't. I have a mother, a father, an actual family. There's a constant feeling of being part of a bigger family, a community, what a Muslim would call, an ummah. I have also always had a feeling of being accountable and responsible for all my actions, hence the natural law-abideness. And of course, alhamdulillah, avoidance of alcohol, a boon of any Islamic society. Thank God, I am spared encounters with unruly, smelly drunkards. And I never have to worry about any disturbing my neighbourhood. And yes, we Muslims have been tolerant to a bunch of attacks towards us. We don't do the same bad things to people that people have done to us (at least not as a state). And we live for more than material things. We're pretty much principle-centred people. All blessings be for Allah. Of course, all these praises are only worthy of true Muslims, who totally submit themselves to Allah and to Allah's guide in the Qur'an and through Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. At times when I'm following my own whims rather than the scripture, I deserve none of the accolades. Hence, a call to myself and all my brethrens of the ummah, let's strive to be the truest Muslim we can be! (recommended reading : Let Us Be Muslims - Abul A'la al-Maududi)
"Of course, maybe many such Muslims would seek to respond (to the lies), but their ineptness escalates to another level: they do not know how to respond because they lack arguments, historical and other intellectual knowledge. The simple fact is: most Muslims today, including the elites, unlike their medieval predecessors who invented the book and the public library, do not read. Book reading has become anathema to a Muslim world sunk in ignorance, generalized intellectual apathy, and obsession with the material and the shallow. One cannot be an illiterate, never consulting a book and yet be able to answer arguments satisfactorily, or convince others." (page 8)
> I totally agree with these statements. Felt totally flicked, like his words are like arrows bullseyeing straight at me. Ashamed..., but nonetheless agree. Muslims nowadays have really left the first word from Allah revealed to our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, "read". Muslims nowadays don't read. Minimally, Muslims read textbooks, to pass exams. But reading for knowledge? How many per year? How about the first and most important book a Muslim should read, the Qur'an? Many read and yet very few understand. And fewer more actually truly wants to understand. To really delve into and practice its contents. This is a very sad phenomenon. Myself, have only recently commit to understanding the Qur'an, the words I like, before, to just sing along. I don't know much, I am only His servant, but I feel, the more I learn, the more I feel that out there, there's a lot more I don't know. And it keeps me going. There are many times, when my vigour slopes down, when I feel simply lazy. But, it gets easier to overcome those times. When once ago, you feel like you're doing things out of obligation, now, its more out of love for Allah rather than obliged obligations. And, it makes things easier to do. And, I love my Lord. :) So, I urge truly, come on guys...myself, and all muslimeen and muslimat...C'mon! Lets start reading!
"Muslims, their elites in particular, are criminally incompetent at addressing these issues. Those elites, the ruling elites and others (professors, professionals, doctors, teachers, journalists, business men, etc.), especially amongst those based in the West, who have at least the freedom to express views, are to blame more than the rest. Whilst the onslaught on Muslims is ceaseless, such elites rarely counter it, or stand or defend their heritage, their culture or even defend who they are, rather than the barbaric inferiors, fanatic murderers they are presented as. Only a few such Muslim leaders, including imams of mosques, organise events, exchange ideas and views, and refute slanders and lies about themselves and their faith. All the competence that most of the Muslim elites muster is to add more to their earthly possessions and aim for higher positions." (page 7-8)
>True. True... This is what the Prophet s.a.w said as the disease of Wahan. When a servant of Allah loves the world and hates death. As long as we're breathing, we still have a chance in this world. Come on! Its not too late to change! We are the elites of the future! In fact, we are elites right now if people are looking at us. Let's answer! And set it all straight!
"Muslim silence meant that they do not counter the verbal onslaught with truth. By their silence, they also acquiesce to what is said of them, and what is said of them becomes accepted as truth. " (page 8)
> We cannot be silent no more. Its time to speak up and out! And really show the world what is the truth. What Islam really is!
Nay, We hurl the Truth against falsehood, and it knocks out its brain, and behold, falsehood doth perish! Ah! woe be to you for the (false) things ye ascribe (to Us).
(Al-Quran; Surah Al-Anbiya' 21:18)
(Al-Quran; Surah Al-Anbiya' 21:18)
[1] A. Thompson: Barbary and Enlightenment: (Brill; Leiden; 1987); pp 37-8
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